OLOL has received conditional approval from the office of the Bishop to develop the design and parish policy for a Prayer Garden and Columbarium on the grounds at OLOL. This will be a respectfully designed outdoor structure/ wall with niches where urns containing the remains of loved ones are sacredly stored. If you would like more information, please contact Rae Collier at 615-305-0465 or raecollier@realtracs.com.

What is a Columbarium?
A columbarium is a structure (e.g., wall) with niches where urns containing the remains of our loved ones are interred. Each niche holds the cremated remains of up to two people. The name columbarium is derived from the Latin Columba or “dovecote,” the dove being the symbol of God’s spirit and peace. For many people raised in the Catholic Church, a columbarium may be a new concept.
Our Lady of the Lake Columbarium Features:
– 13 units with 1,232 niches to be built in 4 phases
– Phase 1 includes 2 two-sided niche units with 88 niches per side; 352 total niches
– Individual niche capacity: 2 urns
– Prayer Garden with benches, crucifix and Pieta sculpture
What is the current status of the Prayer Garden & Columbarium?
In a 2023 survey of the parish community, 77% of respondents confirmed their support for the development of a columbarium.
- We need to sell approximately 200 niches in the pre-sale period to enable the project to begin.
- OLOL will have a 1-year period to conduct pre-sales of niches for the Prayer Garden and Columbarium.
- Niche pre-sales must fully fund 100% of the construction costs in addition to a $100,000 Care & Maintenance Fund.
- Should pre-sale targets not be met within one year, all sale deposits will be fully refunded.
- You are invited to an Informational Session following Mass. Pick the time that works best for you!
Saturday, February 15th · 6:00PM · Room 211
Sunday, February 16th · 9:30AM, 12:00PM, 3:30PM, 7:00PM · Room 211
Saturday, February 22nd · 6:00PM · Room 211
Sunday, February 23rd · 9:30AM · Room 21
Where will the Prayer Garden & Columbarium be located?
The Prayer Garden and Columbarium will be located in the area outside of the Adoration chapel and the fountain with the Marian statue.
What is our Mission?
The mission of the OLOL Prayer Garden & Columbarium is to provide a beautiful and dignified resting place for parish family members and a sacred setting where all can pray in faith, hope and comfort.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Catholic teaching on cremation?
Paragraph 2301 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that: “The Church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body.” The Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith further explains that: “An attitude of sacred respect” must be had toward the ashes of the deceased person, which are to be kept in “a sacred place suitable for prayer.”
A columbarium is a structure (e.g., wall) with niches where urns containing the remains of our loved ones are interred. Each niche holds the cremated remains of up to two people. The name columbarium is derived from the Latin Columba or “dovecote,” the dove being the symbol of God’s spirit and peace. For many people raised in the Catholic Church, a columbarium may be a new concept.A columbarium on the parish grounds will ensure that the deceased have a dignified resting place, and the families will never be forgotten in prayer as we await in joyful hope of the coming of our Savior.
Who can purchase a niche?
All past and present registered parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee (hereinafter “OLOL”), including immediate family members, are eligible to subscribe to a niche at OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium. All applicants (hereinafter “Subscribers”) from the Catholic community making application should submit in written form or online to OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium Board of Trustees (hereafter “the Board”). Payment of niche fees must be made at time of application.
What is the price of a niche at OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
Limited pre-construction pricing will be $4,500 per niche. Post-construction pricing will be $5,000. Each niche can hold the cremains of up to 2 people.
Additional costs:
– Board-approved urn – $96 each
– Niche front inscription fee for 4 lines (2 lines per person) – $320
NOTE: Pricing is subject to change in the future.
Our Lady of the Lake Columbarium Features:
– 13 units with 1,232 niches to be built in 4 phases
– Phase 1 includes 2 two-sided niche units with 88 niches per side; 352 total niches
– Individual niche capacity: 2 urns
– Prayer Garden with benches, crucifix and Pieta sculpture
What does the cost of OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium niche include?
The cost of the Columbarium niche includes the subscription to the niche and the niche front only. Costs for cremation, funeral home expenses, board-approved urn, and inscription are the responsibility of the Subscriber or the Subscriber’s estate representative.
Can I choose the location of my niche in OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
OLOL Administration will make assignment of niche locations at the time construction begins. If you are interested in multiple niches located together for family members, subscription applications and payment of fees for all niches must be submitted at the same time. OLOL Administration will make every attempt to assign family member niches in a contiguous group.
Whom do I contact to subscribe to a niche or to get more information?
Questions regarding subscribing to a niche can be made to Rae Collier, Subscription Coordinator for the Columbarium. Please contact Rae at raecollier@realtracs.com or 615-305-0465.
How can I complete an application?
You can submit an application online or in person with the Columbarium Subscription Coordinator Rae Collier. Rae can be reached at 615-305-0465 or raecollier@realtracs.com.
How can I pay for my niche?
Once your application is completed, payment for your niche subscription can be made online or in person to Andrea McGuire, OLOL Finance & Operations Coordinator. Andrea can be reached at 615-338-3906 or andream@ololcc.org.
When will construction begin?
Construction will begin when we meet the pre-construction sales goal and get final approval from the Bishop’s Office of the Diocese of Nashville.
What happens if we do not meet our pre-sale target in one year?
If pre-sale targets are not met within one year, OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium will not be constructed, and all fees will be fully refunded to niche Subscriber applicants. Credit card processing fees will not be refunded, as these fees are charged by your credit card company at the time of payment and are nonrefundable.
What is the plan for ongoing maintenance of OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
A $100,000 fund will be established from the proceeds of niche subscriptions to support ongoing maintenance costs for OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium.
Who is paying for OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium and its continued upkeep will be funded solely by the sale of niches and donations for the project. Construction of the project will not begin until enough niches are sold during the pre-sale phase to fully fund the project. Proceeds from the sale of future niches will continue to pay for maintenance and fund future expansion.
Will flowers or photos be permitted in OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
To ensure a well maintained and dignified environment for the deceased and their families, flowers, potted plants, or other decorations, including photos and military or other service insignia, will not be permitted. It is suggested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to enhance and maintain the permanent landscaping, pre-approved statuary, and benches. If any such items are placed in or around the Columbarium or on Columbarium grounds, OLOL reserves the right to remove and dispose of such items without notice and without liability to the owner of such items.
Does a Subscriber own the niche?
A niche subscription does not constitute the sale of property but rather the provision of burial space. All ownership of the land, columbarium facilities and associated gardens remains the property of OLOL.
Can military emblems or other designs be inscribed on the niche front?
All niche fronts will be inscribed using the same format and font. No additional emblems or characters will be allowed.
Can any urn be used?
The preference is that urns used in OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium be purchased from the Board-approved supplier. Use of urns not purchased from the Board-approved supplier must be approved by the Board. Urns made of plastic or degradable materials will not be allowed. Also, the size of an urn must fit the dimensions of the niche, i.e., no larger than 5.5 inches width x 5.5 inches height x 7 inches depth in size.The Board-approved urn may be sent with the body to the crematory for emplacement of the cremains. Once the cremains are enclosed in the urn, a permanent cap is affixed. After the urn is placed in the individual’s assigned niche, the niche front will be installed after inscription. The inscription will include name of deceased, date of birth and date of death.
Who will administer the activity of OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium Board of Trustees has been formed to oversee all activities regarding OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium. The Board will work with OLOL Administration to support the Columbarium. The Board will report directly to the OLOL Pastor.
Have other churches in the Diocese of Nashville constructed columbaria?
Yes, Holy Family Catholic Church in Brentwood has constructed a columbarium. There are other parishes in the Diocese of Nashville that are in the pre-sale phase of building a columbarium at their parish.
Can pets be inurned at OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium?
Only human remains may be inurned at OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium.
What are the benefits of subscribing for a niche in advance?
Pre-arranging your funeral and related expenses, such as subscribing for a niche at OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium, is the best way of ensuring your wishes are honored.
What is the process for a niche front to be purchased and inscribed?
The niche front is included in the fee for the niche subscription. The niche front will remain blank until use. Following the death of the Subscriber or their family member, the niche front will be sent for inscription. The family or legal representative will complete an Inscription Form to confirm the name, date of birth and date of death. Payment for inscription and shipping services will be made to OLOL Administration at that time.
If internment takes place prior to the arrival of the inscribed niche front, a blank niche front will be placed on the niche. Upon arrival of the inscribed niche front, OLOL Facility Manager will install the niche front with a representative of the Board.
What is the process for the inscription of the niche front when a subsequent urn is inured?
If the niche is subscribed for 2 people, upon death of the second subscriber, the family or estate representative will complete an Inscription Form to confirm the name, date of birth and date of death for the second inscription. Payment for the inscription and shipping services will be made to OLOL Administration at that time. A blank niche front will be placed on the niche while the inscription for the second person is taking place. Upon arrival of the inscribed niche front, OLOL Facility Manager will install the niche front with a representative of the Board.
Who is responsible for transferring cremains to an appropriately sized and approved urn?
The family of the deceased, or designee, is responsible for managing the cremains of their deceased loved one(s). In the event that cremated remains need to be transferred from an existing urn, it is the responsibility of the family, or their designee, to move the cremated remains into a Board-approved urn.
If a family has an urn that is not from the approved vendor, what is the procedure and timeframe for it to be reviewed for approval?
Family members may contact the Board with a photo, description, and dimensions of the urn to request approval. The Board will review and provide feedback as soon as possible.
Can a Subscriber sell their niche?
If a Subscriber decides that a niche is no longer desired or needed, a written request for approval to sell the niche must be submitted and approved by the Board. Upon approval, the original Subscriber assumes responsibility for the sale of the niche. Before the transaction is completed, the original Subscriber must report information about the sale of the niche to the Board. The purchaser, i.e., new Subscriber, must submit a Subscription Application and sign and submit the Subscription Agreement for approval by the Board.
Can my children inherit the niche?
If a Subscriber or the Subscriber’s next of kin decides that a niche is no longer desired or needed, a written request for approval to gift the niche must be submitted and approved by the Board. Before the inheritance transaction is completed, the original Subscriber’s estate manager must report information about the sale of the niche to the Board. The heir that is inheriting the niche, i.e., new Subscriber, must submit a Subscription Application for approval by the Board.
May cremains be mixed with the remains of other individuals, pets, or other objects?
No, cremains may only be the body of the deceased.
May I scatter the ashes?
No. The practice of scattering the cremains (ashes) on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping the cremains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased, are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires. (Order of Christian Funerals, Appendix II). The cremains must be buried in a grave or placed in a niche in a columbarium.
What else do I need to do if I want to be cremated?
Do not forget to address your wish to be cremated with your family. Put your directive in the form of a legal document such as a will, living trust or other planning document with your funeral director.
Will there be Catholic funeral service(s) for the deceased?
Yes, Catholic Rite of Committal (graveside service) will be held at OLOL Prayer Garden and Columbarium for the deceased. Additional services for consideration include:
· Vigil Service
· Funeral Mass
· Memorial Mass
How are arrangements for cremation and inurnment made?
Arrangements for cremation can be made through a funeral home or a crematory. The funeral home or crematory will assist in coordinating plans with OLOL.
How does the cost of cremation and inurnment compare with the cost of a traditional burial?
The cost of inurnment in a columbarium is typically much less expensive than a traditional burial, depending on the procedures and services selected.
Prayer Garden & Columbarium Documents
We invite you to review the attached documents pertaining to the Our Lady of the Lake Prayer Garden & Columbarium. These materials provide important information and details about this sacred space.
OLOL Prayer Garden & Columbarium Subscription Application & Niche Front Inscription Information
OLOL Prayer Garden & Columbarium Policies and Regulations
If you are purchasing a niche for the Our Lady of the Lake Prayer Garden & Columbarium, please complete this form.