What’s happening at OLOL?

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1729 Stop 30 Road, Hendersonville,  TN 615-824-3276 | ololcc.org


The church office will be closed on Monday, May 27,
in observation of Memorial Day.

Flag Retirement

Flag Retirement

The Knights of Columbus and Our Lady of the Lake are keenly aware our religious and patriotic duties. One of those duties is to be familiar with the proper display, folding, storage and disposal of our flag. In keeping with our parish’s privilege and commitment, the Knights will conduct a retired flag collection through May 25-26 at all Masses. All parishioners are invited to bring their old tattered, torn or faded flags to the church narthex on those weekends for collection.


Rome Sweet Rome

Rome Sweet Rome


2024 Summer Fest! 

Summer Fest

SUMMER FEST IS MOVING TO SATURDAY, JUNE 8TH! Bring your families and come join us for Mass at 4 PM and then come celebrate in the big grassy field at 5 PM. We’ll have games, live music, food trucks, bouncy houses, give-a-ways and more! Let’s pray the weather is favorable and we can have fun as a big parish family!


Baby Bottle Campaign

Baby Bottle Campaign

The Knights of Columbus 2024 spring campaign goal is $12,000 to provide counseling, support and material assistance for mothers and families. Please fill your bottle with change and return to the office. Thanks for your support! 


Vacation Bible School


This summer, come experience an amazing undersea adventure where kids will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. VBS will be June 10-14th from 9AM – 12 PM and is open to 4 year olds through rising 6th graders. Click below to register or to volunteer. 


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Be sure to follow us for the latest information on Facebook & Instagram! 

1729 Stop 30 Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-824-3276