Now more than ever we need the intercession of Mary.
Join us as we unite our hearts with Mary’s Immaculate Heart and pray for our world, our nation, our homes, and each of our hearts to lead us more closely to the Sacred Heart of her Son, Jesus Christ.
2025 Line up… COMING SOON!
Here is a look back at our 2024 Nashville Marian Conference.
Mari Pablo

Mari is a proud Hispanic and cradle catholic whose life was wrecked in the best possible way when she finally decided to stop fighting and surrender it all to Him.
In a world full of lies she was able to discover Him, who is all truth and joy.
Her mission is simple, to encourage others to refuse to settle for the things of this world, but rather to strive for more, to strive for Him. She wants to be his instrument and help unite hearts to the Heart that heals, restores, and ultimately beats out of love for us.
Sonja Corbitt

Sonja Corbitt is a Catholic author and speaker who has produced several multimedia Bible studies, including Unleashed, Fearless, and Exalted. She also created the LOVE the Word Bible study method.
Corbitt is the host of Evangelista Bible Study on CatholicTV and the Bible Study Evangelista Show on radio and podcast. She is in formation as a Third Order Carmelite. Corbitt is a columnist at The Great Adventure Bible Study blog and a contributor to Magnificat.
A Carolina native who was raised as a Southern Baptist, Corbitt attended Mitchell College and the Southern Baptist Seminary Extension before converting to Catholicism.
Father John Broussard

Fr. John is a native of Houston Texas and is a graduate of Seton Home Study in 2005. Fr. John is a permanently professed religious priest of the Fathers of Mercy. He completed his bachelors of philosophy at Holy Apostles College and Seminary and his Master of Divinity at the same institution; graduating in 2014. Father John was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on June 7th, 2014
He is currently serving as Mission Director and full time on the mission band traveling and preaching parish missions and retreats.
Father attributes his vocation to the prayers of his family and devotion to the Blessed Mother.

Sarah Kroger
Sarah Kroger is a Nashville-based Catholic worship leader and songwriter who has released five albums. Kroger’s passion is to create a safe and prayerful space through her music in which people can encounter the heart of God in a profound way. As a contemporary worship leader in the Catholic Church, Sarah Kroger gives
a new language to people’s relationship with Jesus, inspiring her listeners to
keep saying yes to vulnerability, intimacy, and honesty.
Enjoy these short videos that describe what to expect at the conference:
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Hendersonville, TN. 37075
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1:00-2:15 Registration in St. Joseph Hall Entrance Lobby
1:00-2:15 FREE TIME: Ave Maria Stage, Mary’s Marketplace
2:30 Opening Welcome & Prayer in Sanctuary with Emcee, Sonja Corbitt
2:45-3:00 Worship Music – Sarah Kroger
3:00-3:45 Speaker Mari Pablo: “Mary: From her Immaculate Heart to her Son’s Sacred Heart”
4:00-4:45 Registration Re-Opens
4:00-4:45 FREE TIME: Enjoy Confessions, the Ave Maria Stage, Marketplace and the Eucharistic Miracles Prayer Room, Sacred Relics Room
4:45-5:00 Worship Music- Sarah Kroger
5:00-6:00 Mass with Father Broussard
6:00-7:00 Dinner & Free Time (Check out Ave Maria stage & Marketplace, Confession, Eucharistic Miracles Prayer Room, Sacred Relics Room)
7:00-7:15 Worship Music- Sarah Kroger
7:15-8:00 Speaker – Fr. Broussard with Fathers of Mercy: “Mary: Model of Humility and Obedience”
8:00-8:30 Adoration/Music- Sarah Kroger
8:30-9:00 Compline/Night Prayer with Fr. Broussard
8:00 Rosary and time for Confession
8:30 Mass
9:00-9:45 Continental Breakfast & FREE TIME (Check out the Ave Maria stage, Mary’s Marketplace, Confessions, Eucharistic Miracles Prayer Room, Sacred Relics Room)
10:00-10:15 Welcome back! Emcee is Sonja Corbitt & Worship Music with Sarah Kroger
10:15-11:00 3rd Speaker Fr. Broussard: “Mary and the Eucharist: Model of Sacrificial Love”
11:00-11:45 4th Speaker Sonja Corbitt: “How to Be a Monstrance with Mary”
11:45-12:45 Lunch in St. Joseph Hall & FREE TIME (Check out the Ave Maria Stage & Marketplace, Confessions, Eucharistic Miracles Prayer Room, Sacred Relics Room)
Outdoor Walking of the Stations in the Garden
12:45-1:00 Worship Music – Sarah Kroger
1:00-1:45 Speaker Mari Pablo: “Mary: “Undoer of Knots” & Spiritual Battles”
QUICK BREAK Worship Music -Sarah Kroger
2:00-2:45 Speaker Sonja Corbitt: “Becoming Magnificat with Mary”
QUICK BREAK Worship Music – Sarah Kroger
3:00-4:00 Healing Service & Intercessory Prayer –Sonja & Fr. Broussard with Music by Sarah Kroger
4:00-4:45 Free Time: Coffee break, Marketplace, Eucharistic Miracles Prayer Room, Sacred Relics Room
4:15-4:45 Vespers
5:00-6:15 Mass
End of Mass announcements about 2025 Nashville Marian Conference and marketplace.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: Marketplace, Eucharistic miracles and Sacred Relic rooms from 6:15-7:00 PM.
For Additional Information, Please Contact:
Patti Deffendall · 615-944-8986 · nashvillemarianconference@gmail.com