Welcoming and Fellowship

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“…Love one another with mutual affection…Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction…Preserve in prayer…Contribute to the needs of the holy ones…Exercise hospitality.” Romans 12:10 -13

Welcoming Committee

The Welcoming Committee is comprised of one Parish Council member and other volunteers who serve as greeters at all Masses. This committee welcomes newcomers to our parish family through assistance with registration, answering general questions, and connecting parishioners with ministries and groups within our parish that can help them develop friendships and grow spiritually. The Welcoming Committee also sponsors a Newcomers Dinner once a quarter in the church social hall. For details or volunteer opportunities please contact Rae Collier at 615-305-0465.

Knights of Columbus

Charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism are the cornerstones of this organization. K of C is a Catholic social, service, and fraternal organization with membership open to Catholic men 18 years or older. OLOL Local Council #9132 undertakes a number of projects that support the parish community, fellow Knights, and the community at large. For more information, please contact  Barry Raynor at braynorjr@gmail.com or 617-470-4219.

Visit their website: https://kofc-9132.org


Ladies Friendship Circle

The Ladies Friendship Circle, a group of senior women of the parish, offers its members a chance to get to know each other, to share friendship, encourage faith and good works, and to address social action needs. The members participate in activities that offer recreation, education, crafts, trips & other fun things to do. They also have a bake sale once a year to raise money for the church. The group meets on the last Thursday of the month at 11:30 AM in the church social hall. For more information please contact Nancy Campbell at 615-865-2078 or Marge Barraclough at 615-826-7315.

Golden Guys & Gals

A group of active seniors who plan and participate in fun activities while cultivating their faith and new friendships! This group enjoys attending plays, concerts, movies and they frequently get together for lunch and dinner outings. Group travel opportunities are scheduled. The Golden Guys and Gals meet on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month at 1:00 pm. For more information, please contact Kandie G’Francisco at 615-420-0029