
Home / Ministries / Fidelis

Who Are We

Our Mission

Formation For Women

Fidelis serves women of all ages through a model based on the “feminine genius” for community and the formation of the next generation. The goal is to help women rediscover their God-given femininity and grow in authentic relationships with God and other women. Fidelis seeks to thus implement an antidote to society’s ever-pressing distractions, immorality, and isolation, instead pointing women to the path to authentic joy.

Faith is belief in the right things (including the virtues!)

Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail.

Charity is concern for, and active helping of others.

Fortitude is never giving up.

Justice is being fair and equitable with others.

Prudence is care of and moderation with money.

Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things that are not needed.


Fidelis, our Sisters in Christ
We are similar to Fraternus, but specifically designed for young women, ages 11 through 18. Our mission is to mentor girls into virtuous Catholic women. The girls will attend weekly meetings and engage their faith through outdoor expeditions, discipleship groups, retreats, “days of charity,” and ranch. With work and prayer, this organization will soon grow into the mirror of Fraternus in sisterhood. Currently, Fidelis has been implemented in Pensacola Florida, Hendersonville Tennessee, South Lafourche, Louisiana, and Bremerton, Washington…

Our Model

A Model Based On The Heart of Woman

Following in the footsteps of Mary

Formation for Women

Women been entrusted with a unique dignity and vocation…how do we tap into this gift and mystery?
Fidelis offers women free retreats through their parish as well as small group formation.

Girls Chapters

Once women are equipped and supported in their own walk with Christ, they can accompany the next generation of women

Our Fidelis girls’ chapters have weekly formation nights including fun, sisterhood, prayer, and a spotlight on a virtue. Most importantly, the girls receive mentorship from women who witness to the joy of the Spirit!

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1

What We Do

The Feminine Genius Retreat

Our Gift For Our Sisters In Christ

Friendship. Laughter. Renewal. Time with God.

Hesed Small Group Formation


Did you know that Christ desires an intimate relationship with you?

The Hebrew word, “hesed” denotes God’s covenant love, a merciful commitment to care for His beloved people. God’s “hesed” and faithfulness are proclaimed in the Old Testament and ultimately fulfilled in Christ. He, the Bridegroom, offers this love to us, His Bride! Hesed small groups offer a formation that focuses on receiving this love in a deeper way and allowing it to transform every aspect of daily life.


At Your Fingertips

Content, discussion questions, weekly videos, prayer, and tips to support your group make starting a Hesed small group a piece of cake!

Our content draws from the Scriptures and masters of the spiritual life like St. John Paul II, St. Therese, and Fulton Sheen laid out in a user-friendly fashion.

We seek to deepen our understanding of the feminine heart and vocation as well as recognize and love God in the daily moments of our lives. This is all easier with the support of other sisters in Christ!

Intimacy With God. Authentic Sisterhood

Fidelis Girls

Formation In Virtue

Chapters meet week for friendship, fun, and formation focused on one of the virtues. Girls not only learn how to connect with God in their daily lives, but they are also given the tools to navigate the situations and challenges they encounter.

The virtue of the week is tied into Sunday’s Gospel and pearls of wisdom from the saints. The girls then put their understanding into practice with examples from movies, lessons drawn from real life, and small group discussion. Each evening then ends with a particular spiritual challenge.


Spiritual Motherhood: A Call To Mentor

While this content helps form virtue and a worldview centered on Christ, the real formational power of the sessions comes from our Fidelis ladies, who personally invest in the girls of their chapter. The lead ladies receive special training and assistance from Fidelis National to offer their girls the example and mentorship they need to become mature women in Christ.

Support Fidelis

We invite you to be our mission partner. Whether financial or spiritual, your support makes it possible for us to reach and support women across the country. Your prayers are vital to the success of Fidelis since we plant the seeds and nurture the soil, but God causes the growth.

For more information, please contact Pam at 615-804-1300