Our Philosophy on Family Faith Formation 

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We are family-centered, church-supported. Built on the apostolic mission of the church, our program is designed to engage and equip parents to be the primary faith teachers to their children. 

This program is not “HOME SCHOOL” where materials are sent home and parents are told to teach their children. This is a very common misconception when people hear about “Family Faith Formation.”  

Our model is a balanced calendar of events where families with children of all ages (or no children at all) gather at church together regularly to learn, engage and pray, mixed with opportunities throughout the year to create rituals of faith and prayer (led by parents) in each of their homes. An effect of this program is that parents become evangelized in a beautiful way which spills into the culture of the family, and homes become sacred spaces for the domestic church.  

We believe that every family is unique, as is their faith journey. Our goal is to accompany and support families along their journey of faith and equip them with relevant, inspiring resources to form their children to be disciples for Jesus. As this happens, parents engage with other parents in the same seasons of parenting, offer each other support, build fellowship and friendship with each other and pray for each other!  … and the kids have a ton of fun too! 

Taken from Mission Field, by Rev. Tim Donovan:  

“We have only really seen one approach to faith formation, the traditional drop-off classroom model. What we assume to be primary, the classroom, was in fact only ever supplementary. If it were primary, it should have continued to stand without supplementary support. It has become manifestly clear, from the research and our experience, that this model no longer produces the fruit it once did. So what then is primary? Family life, led by parents. This has always been the primary means of passing on the faith to the next generation. As this primary institution has diminished in vitality, so too has the classroom’s ability to support and deepen a lived faith. The work of our era is to rebuild the church one family at a time by restoring parents to their rightful place as the primary educators as their children.”  

“Since they have conferred life on their children, parents have the original, primary and inalienable right to educate them; hence they must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.” (Holy See, Charter of the Rights of the Family, accessed June 20, 2024, Vatican.va, Article 5.)