Fraternus – Our Lady of the Lake Chapter

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Fraternus is a virtue-based mentoring program with the goal of mentoring young Catholic boys into virtuous Catholic men – men of chastity, integrity, and discipleship. Seeking to renew the masculine heart through authentically Catholic formation in virtue, this brotherhood of disciples is open to all young men in grades 6 through 12. The group meets every Monday Night at OLOL from 6:30-8:30, and we are always looking for more men to step up as mentors. Contact Jason Marino

Mission statement: 

For over ten years Fraternus has been mentoring boys into virtuous Catholic men. The program works because it is more than a program – it is a brotherhood. Fraternus does not begin in a technique or system, but in trusting the teachings of the Catholic Church and in having a solid philosophy and anthropology (an understanding of the needs and nature of man). In other words, “what we do” works because of “who we are.” There are 25 Fraternus chapters in 13 states and growing. 

Weekly meetings called Frat Night are the foundation of a Chapter. The flow of a Frat Night is simple: there’s play, teaching, discussion, and challenge. The discussions flow from the weekly Sunday Mass readings and prayers and revolve around learning the seven virtues of faith, hope, love, prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. But learning about virtue does not make one virtuous. As such, each night a tangible challenge is given to live out the virtue discussed. These challenges build toward the habits of a Catholic man like regular self-denial, receiving the Sacraments with piety and devotion, and praying the Rosary. 

Fraternus at Our Lady of the Lake consists of Monday night Frat Nights during the school year, three overnight excursions (fall, winter and spring) and Fraternus Ranch in the summer.