At Our Lady of the Lake, we use “Claim” from the Pathways suite to engage parents who are preparing to baptize an infant or child, in a very intentional way.
Claim is presented through (3) at-church sessions and supplemental at-home family meetings. This series runs each quarter throughout the year (July ‘24, October ‘24, January ‘25, March ‘25). Parents are encouraged to register for Baptism Preparation as early as the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy.
Mothers and Fathers, along with the chosen Godparents will be invited into a deeper understanding of the sacrament of Baptism in a very interactive, engaging way.
We welcome you with joy to the Baptismal formation path! Please reference the calendar below to determine which quarter series in the best to register for **keeping in mind that it is designed to begin during pregnancy.
Click here to: Register for Baptism Formation for Infant & Children
Claim Quarterly Session Calendar